On-line versions of my websites

On-line versions - html

When I first thought of setting up a website, I went to a (free!) hosting service and registered. I then prepared a website using the programming HTML language. This allowed me to design the web pages exactly as I liked. However, because hosting services (and particularly the free ones) sometimes close down (this has happened four times!), I repeated the exercise using different hosting services. Not all services are the same. They vary in terms of the amount of storage space available and the maximum size of files that con be uploaded and stored. In such cases one has to provide links to content stored on Google Drive.

The list below shows the hosting services I have used. All employ writing with HTML so all look almost identical. But due to the differences mentioned above, the coding is not exactly the same. Here are three other issues:

1. The second one in the list (Freehosting) provides good storage space and unlimited file size but unfortunately it sometimes does not open! The others open OK.

2. The Google Drive and MS OneDrive sites are slightly different in that all my files, photos, etc. are stored on Google Drive or OneDrive rather than on the hosting services as the others are.

3. The MS OneDrive site can be rather troublesome. Sometimes, things do not open. e.g. photos. When that happens, press Ctrl+F5 or Refresh/Reload which may solve the problem.

Click on a link to open the website.

InfinityFree Freehosting ByetHost

0fees Freetzi AwardSpace

Neocities LeadHoster

BooomHost HelioHost MzzHost

MipropiaHost Info8-hosting ProFreeHost

Google Drive MS OneDrive

On-line versions but non-html

All the above websites are written using HTML. But those below are prepared using templates provided by the hosting service. Once a template is chosen, the content is then added. (The Zoho hosting sites do allow for a little HTML to be used.)

Zoho (My Website) Zoho (My Life)

Google Sites Webstarts Sites ByetHost Sites

My Projects

The projects below are taken from those in the above sites but have been simplified slightly in order to make them independent in case I want to send just my projects to someone. My other sites cannot be accessed from these (at least not easily).

InfinityFree Freehosting ByetHost

0fees Freetzi AwardSpace

Neocities LeadHoster Webs

BooomHost HelioHost MzzHost

MipropiaHost Info8-hosting ProFreeHost

Google Drive MS OneDrive

Google Sites Zoho

Projects but with alternative format

I also prepared slightly different layouts for the projects but with exactly the same content. However, I did not upload them to all my web hosts. The three links below show the sites currently hosting these alternative versions.

InfinityFree ByetHost Neocities