Weekly letters


Since retirement, I have written a large number of letters, usually one every week. There are now a considerable number of these. I have included some of these letters on this web page.

Here are four examples of such letters. As mentioned on the home page, the letters include not only what I did but other happenings of interest. To view a letter, click on the link below it. The letter will open in the Letter Viewer at the bottom of the screen. If you prefer to see the letter on a separate page rather than in the viewer, open it in the viewer first, then click on the Full Screen icon at the bottom right-hand side of the viewer frame. After viewing, you can return to this page.

1. Here is a letter with notes on the origin of mooncakes and Jonah Lomu taking up body building:

Letter September 27th 2009


2. This letter deals with my trip to New Zealand in April, 2010 which included a visit to Keith's place at Ruru:

Letter April 13th, 2010


3. This letter has interesting pictures and links to aircraft making their final approach at the old Kai Tak airport from the mountain end of the runway:

Letter April 8th, 2012 (with different date on letter!!)

Kai Tak

4. This letter includes information on the aftermath of the 2011 Christchurch earthquake:

Letter June 17th, 2012


Complete list of letters

For what should be the complete list of letters, but sorted by Google and not on this website, go to the link below. You can select the letters you want or, as they are all doc format files, you might be able to download them to your test viewer.

Google folder containing all the letters

Letter Viewer